Monday, June 29, 2009

Second Chance for Opportunity

How do you feel about second chances? Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt someone deserved a second chance with you? Have you ever needed that second chance yourself? I hope if you found yourself on the latter end of that question, that you were afforded the opportunity and took advantage of it.
I'm constantly reminding myself to take advantage of opportunities I see around me everyday. Think about how many decisions we make everyday. Many of them are automatic: Take shower, brush teeth. Wear black pants. Eat eggs. Drink water. And then there are the decisions and paths we take that have a little more meaning and require much more attention. Like friendships and other relationships, taking a certain job, investing in a certain stock, choosing a specific job in life, etc. What if we wrote down all the decisions that we've made throughout our entire life to get us to where we are today? Even the decisions we've made in the last many would you kick yourself over or feel very proud of?
We sometimes find ourselves in a position where a decision we made leads us to a place where we feel the need for a "do over" or, as I mentioned before, a second chance. A second chance at something we may have previously had an opportunity to do before and never took advantage of because the situation or timing wasn't right.
I've had the same job for over eight years and have always enjoyed what I do. I started personal training at age 23 and never took the opportunity to go to college. I felt I had found my career for life and if I one day tired of it, I could find a similar profession or maybe just stay at home to run a household and manage children. But over the last year as I've seen the world we live in change and the way I want to live change with it, I've decided to take advantage of a second chance afforded to me. I'm going to go back to school and get a degree. I'm truly excited for this adventure. While it's hard to imagine now, I can see this in my future, "Sorry, can't go out tonight, I have a chemistry test in the morning." Whoa.