Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Assessing Core Values

We are all entitled to our own belief system. It's essential to discovering the person you currently are and the person you want to be. There are times in life I've felt disconnected from myself and it was perhaps in these times that I wasn't living in accordance with my values.

I took some time to assess my own values and write them down. It makes it easier for me to come back to these beliefs in times of change and challenge and make sure that I'm not doing anything to affect my belief system. What are your core values and how do they help you combat the challenges you face in the world? How do they enable you to help the world around you?

Some of my core values:
I will always be honest with myself, for that is what helps me be honest with others.
I will always speak my mind and speak the truth.
I will give love to everyone in my life.
I will forgive, let go, and not hold any ill will to anyone in the world.
I will take responsibility for my actions and words.
I will have compassion for all living things.
I will maintain the ability to laugh at myself.
I will step outside of my comfort zone and challenge my mind and body with new adventures.

Think about some of your values...how do your relationships, lifestyle, and work fulfill them?

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