Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Step at a Time

An analogy that I read recently really resonated with me. It's about taking that first step to a goal that seems bigger than you, daunting, or unattainable. I believe this is similar to an analogy written in the book, "The Secret".
So, in life we have our goals that we set for ourself. Lose 50 lbs...find the love of my life...start my own business...get that college degree. These are all big goals that take time to attain. Let's say you know your ultimate destination, but can only see what's directly in front of you. The 5 lbs. that dropped off the scale this month, the few dates you've had with interesting people, the good ideas you have for starting your business--you get the picture.
Picture yourself driving in a car from New York to Los Angeles in the dark. You can only see what your headlights light up, perhaps 200 feet of the road in front of you. The only way to see the next 200 feet is to keep moving forward. So, even though your destination is to travel 3,000 miles, having faith in your direction and believing that you'll get there, you'll be fine with just seeing those 200 feet at a time.
With those big goals (that are so worth the risk), we don't get to see the entire path, just a little piece of the destination. So, I encourage us all to take a step even if we can't see anything beyond it.
Here's something I've been guilty of in the past: thinking that not choosing a path and direction will keep my options open. True for the short term. But in the long term it does nothing to put me in the right direction to get to my goals.

On the personal level:
It's almost Turkey Day and I'm really looking forward to it. There will be volleyball, lots of friends, food, and wine. I have many people to be thankful for in life and I have taking a risk two years ago and moving to Austin to be thankful for, too. While it's not been without some hardships, it's been essential to my growth and happiness as a person. I'm really looking forward to starting school soon and putting my nose in the books.

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