Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dirty Shoe

The idea is often perfect, however the plan is usually flawed. Think about that again: you set a goal for yourself and the idea is perfect, but the plan is unrealistic or flawed. Many of us develop a plan and fail to follow through. Others make no plan at all. When it comes to a fitness goal, having a personal trainer can help you develop a concrete plan, but you have to be willing to follow it.

I was on the greenbelt today, walking in one of my "hidden gem" areas of beautiful, sprawling flat rock and clear water ranging from small cascading waterfalls to 3 foot pools. I was hopping from rock to rock in the wet creek bed area and trying to move as quickly as I could while staying dry. Well, sometimes I only had a few inches to land and anywhere from 6 inches to 4 feet lay between dry spots. I failed to plan and look ahead. I just started going and it wasn't long before my quickness of movement and lack of plan failed me and I went splat right into a pool of water. My result was a wet foot and dirty shoe, which is easy to overcome. But when we apply that result to bigger goals, we see how important it is to plan ahead and be able to realize the long term results of our original idea by making some shorter term goals and following through.

On the personal level:
I haven't blogged in a week and have missed it. I can only share a tidbit of life while keeping it short. I attended an 8 hr long TRX seminar today at Pinnacle. The intent was to get a basic understanding of suspension training (curious? lookup Well, once again, the Crossfit training proved to be a big asset as I felt most of the programming was easy and I was able to drum up new ideas on progressing the exercises. It made for a fun, creative day and about 4 hours of workout time. Watch out clients, there's a new toy in store for you! Oh, and I am so ready for dinner at Uchi tonight after all that work!

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